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The 20-film season runs from 17 September 2024
to 24 June 2025, with screenings on alternate
Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m.
For our 61st season, we are we holding the price of membership at £40 (the 1999 fee for 15 films) which equates to £2 per film. For full-time students, membership is offered at the concessionary rate of £25 for the Season.
Owing to renewals from the vast majority of existing members and a significant number of joiners from our Waiting List, we have now reached capacity and regret that we are not in a position to offer any further memberships for Season 61.
We are sorry that we were unable to accommodate those who recently joined the Waiting List, although we shall keep those individuals on the List for next season. In addition, as explained below, an allocation of non-member tickets will be available to purchase for all individual screenings in Season 61.
We intend to have around 60 non-member tickets available to purchase for individual screenings in Season 61.
Non-member tickets remain at £5 (full-time students £3) and can be purchased in advance from The Exchange’s
Box Office online here, by telephone 020 8240 2399
or in person.
To ensure you secure a ticket and avoid disappointment, we strongly recommend early pre-booking via The Exchange once tickets become available for sale. (14 of
last season’s 20 screenings sold out).
Should any non-member tickets remain available on the night of screenings, these can be now be purchased solely from The Exchange’s box office on the ground floor. Purchases are now by contactless payments only.

Free admission to all twenty screenings.
Free admission to the Christmas party.
Input into future film selection (see our selection criteria here).
Details of other local arts-related events through our affiliation with Arts Richmond.
On screening nights the bar opens at 7:00 p.m., drinks (purchased from the bar only) can be brought into
the auditorium. Films start at 8 p.m. sharp, with no
trailers or ads.
Please note that, like other entertainment and arts venues, The Exchange is unable to offer refunds for advance ticket purchases save in the unlikely event that a screening is postponed or cancelled.

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